What post-procedure care should we take after Fillers/ Bio Stimulators/Wrinkle Relaxing Injections?
- Do not massage or manipulate injected areas for 24 hours after injections. Washing your face is fine. Applying makeup should be preferably done after 2 days.
- Prefer to wash face with drinking water for 2 days post procedure to avoid infection at the site of injection.
- Do not receive waxing/facial/ sauna /laser treatmentsormicrodermabrasionafter Filler injections for at least 15 days.
- Do not wear a headband or hat if you have had injections between the brows or in the forehead.
- Avoid forward bend for 6 to 8 hours immediately after wrinkle relaxing injections, botulinum toxin injection.
- Refrain from aerobic exercise that increases your heart rate significantly (running, swimming, bicycling) for 24 hours following injections. Walking or other low impact forms of exercise are fine.
- Refrain from using ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil supplements, or vitamin E for 24 hours following injection.
- Proper hydration is essential for good results to drink more fluids but avoid alcohol as it dehydrates body which might compromise result.
- If bruising appears, apply ice to the area for 15 minutes every hour to decrease bruising.
- Dermal results shall show optimum result at 2 weeks. We recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment 2 weeks after your injection.
- For initial 2 to 3 nights try to sleep in a way that the product doesn’t get pressed much against your pillow.
- Clean bedsheet, pillow covers, clean mobile phones ,fresh face towel and avoid touching your face repeatedly to avoid infection. Hygiene has to be properly maintained.
- In case of any untoward feeling like pain, whitening or colour changes of the treated area , visual disturbance or any abnormal feeling should be immediately reported to the treated doctor.
- We request our patients to stay at reachable distance from the treating doctor for atleast one week post injectable filler treatment for safety purposes.
- The most common side effect is a headache with Botulinum toxin injections. If you suffer from chronic headache and have prescription headache medication, you may take it as prescribed by your doctor.
- Botulinum toxin will gradually take effect over 24-72 hours with an optimum result at 2 weeks. If this is your first Botulinum toxin injection, we recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment 2 weeks after your injection.