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Your treatment plan may include :

  • Oral and topical prescription medications
  • Counselling on identifying your triggers and avoiding them
  • Counselling on proper skin care in order to maintain healthy skin barrier.

Skin care mainly involves:

  • Applying moisturizer regularly to keep your skin moist
  • Being gentle with your skin is extremely important
  • We will explain how to bathe and use moisturizer with healing ingredients to help your skin heal.

Trigger management:

  • Atopic skin is very sensitive and very reactive. Anything that causes flaring up of symptoms is known as a trigger.
  • Everyone has unique eczema triggers, so it’s important to find your triggers and figure out how to avoid them.
  • Common triggers include skin care products, weather (cold or hot), wool clothing, stress, perfumes, dust mites and laundry detergents that contain fragrance. Your dermatologist can help you figure out your triggers.

Reach out for Treatment of Eczema at Byzance, Ahmedabad