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Pseudo Acanthosis nigricans is most commonly observed in:

  • Obese individuals
  • Familial predisposition is often noticed
  • Heat
  • Hormonal disturbances like diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, PCOS, etc

It presents as a velvety, dark patch of skin most commonly seen on:

  • Armpits
  • Back of the neck
  • Groin area (especially in skin folds and creases)
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Knuckles
  • Face(forehead and cheeks)
  • Female genitalia
  • Belly button
  • Woman's breasts (beneath)

Management of Pseudo Acanthosis Nigricans (PseudoAN)

  • Maintain a healthy weight and Exercise regularly. Obesity is the most common cause of PseudoAN in adults and children.Acanthosis Nigricans often clears completely with significant weight loss.
  • Sometimes unsupervised home remedies, bleaching cream, exfoliants, or other skin care products to fade the dark color can irritate your skin, making PseudoAN worse. Consult a dermatologist to help you there.
  • A dermatologist can help you find out if you have a medical condition that is causing PseudoAN.
    • Diabetes and other medical conditions can cause PseudoAN. As medical condition improves, often skin starts clearing up.
    • Oral prescription medicines also help improve texture of skin and lighten the patches
    • Prescription creams, ointments, and gels help to lighten skin

Treatments for Pseudo Acanthosis Nigricans

Reach out for Treatment for Pseudo Acanthosis Nigricans at Byzance, Ahmedabad